Might Be Here

Tiles, wood, grout, air pillows and fabric
2019, 76.8 x 61.2 x 20.4cm

The Peranakan architecture and style of my grandparents’ house provides the decorative foundation of my practice. This Dutch-colonialist derived design is prevalent throughout Penang, incorporating classical elements from the European influence in a hybridized Eastern and Western. Alluring to the decorative patterns which adorn the glazed ceramic tiles in Penang, and to the precarious smudging of the grout in-between the tiles.

Might be here deploys a symbiotic relationship between these elements – plastic, tiles and fabric. My early domestic experiences of these materials educed an associative affection with the characteristic aesthetic of his Grandparents’ home which represents the primary focus in the repeating constructions of past forms, and through these recreations.